Whole Planet Foundation is a private, nonprofit organization established by Whole Foods Market and dedicated to poverty alleviation. We aim to empower the world’s poorest people with microcredit in places where Whole Foods Market sources products. WPF supports tenacious, innovative, and hardworking entrepreneurs all around the globe. Most of the entrepreneurs who receive microloans are women, who traditionally have fewer resources and less access to financial services.
Whole Planet Foundation identifies and partners with microfinance organizations (MFIs) who provide and administer responsible financial services to their members. Whole Planet Foundation works to alleviate poverty through their network of pro-poor microfinance institutions around the globe and in the United States. To date, the foundation has disbursed $70 million through microlending partners worldwide, funding 2.8 million microloans and 15 million opportunities for microentrepreneurs and their family members.