
Global Fund for Widows

Advocating and working with governments to develop international laws
to enhance the rights of widows.
Introducing the first and only


Ambassador Dr. Alie Kabba

Former Permanent Representative of the Mission of Sierra Leone to the United Nations

The Security Council

Global Fund for Widows Delivers Intervention in Arria Formula Meeting

In November 2021 the UNSC held an Arria Formula Meeting entitled, “Closing the Protection Gap for Widows in Conflict and Post-Conflict Settings.” GFW was invited to provide civil society remarks. The full meeting can be viewed here.
Global Fund for Widows Addresses the UN Security Council President in NGO Meeting
March 2020
GFW gave an intervention on the plight of widows in conflict, shedding light on their endurance of harrowing war crimes, the despair of the half-widow and wives of the forcibly disappeared, and the desolation of the child-widow at a monthly meeting between civil society and the incoming UN Security Council President.
Meetings Between Civil Society and UNSC Members
February 2020
GFW offers a testimony of plight of widows in the context of the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda.
Civil Society Inputs at the UN General Assembly
December 2019
GFW delivers remarks on plight of widows to President of the General Assembly 74th Session.
CSO Engagement with Security Council Members
August 2019
GFW offers original testimony of plight of widows in conflict and post-conflict context.

United States Congress

Committed to Making Widows Matter

Dating back to the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act, the U.S. Government is mandated to take steps in its foreign policy to ensure the rights of widowed women. Acknowledging this, GFW advocates on Capitol Hill so that widows receive the attention that they are entitled to in U.S. foreign aid and human rights endeavors. Our work in the field inspires our advocacy, which aims to assist widows by building bipartisan coalitions committed to Making Widows Matter.

Other Advocacy Events

GFW’s UNGA Side Event
In partnership with the Permanent Mission of Costa Rica to the UN, GFW held a Side Event to the Opening of the UN General Assembly on 27 September, on "Operationalizing Widowhood: Addressing its Intersectionalities Across Existing UN Frameworks.”

Head to our YouTube page to revisit the event, or read our event summary below.
Human Rights Council
GFW offers moving testimony on to the High Commissioner on Human Rights at the Human Rights Council.
Human Rights Council, Geneva, Switzerland
GFW delivers an insightful intervention at the Human Rights Council in its continuing exposure of the link between widowhood, child marriage, and human trafficking.
GFW delivers a powerful intervention at the Human Rights Council in its continuing exposure of the institutionalized and systemic violations of human rights endured by widows across the globe.
House of Lords, United Kingdom, London 2018
London, 2018
GFW offers Members of Parliament with persuasive, disquieting, and undeniable evidence linking widowhood to poverty, extremist proliferation, poor education, the spread of HIV/AIDS, food insecurity, child marriage, and the unfathomable phenomenon of the child widow.
UN Summit on the Journey to Extremism
In 2017, the GFW responded to a challenge from UNDP Africa Director  Abdoulaye Mar Dieye underscoring that economic development must include the protection of widows inheritance rights in order to prevent societal risk of intergenerational poverty.
United Nations Refugee Summit
UN General Assembly, NY, 2016
GFW has been a tireless advocate for widows at the UN General Assembly, underscoring that nearly 50% of the world’s refugees are either WIDOWS or children of widows. Their unique needs such as inability to claim their own nationality must be addressed.

Advocating across the UN system and beyond!


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The Alliance for the Last Woman First is the ONLY global alliance
working to secure widows’ rights.